How to Deal With Stress

By Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D.     

        Stress refers to physical or mental demands that require an increased response from the body. Stress can be caused by changes in our daily life, including changes for the better, such as getting married,  graduating from college,  moving to Nicaragua, etc.
       Of course stress can also be caused by negative things happening in our life, such as  getting divorced, death of a loved one, a major sickness,  etc. Everyone has a different tolerance level for stress. Some people never seem to suffer harmful effects from stress, while others can hardly cope at all. A certain amount of stress can be  beneficial when it stimulates the body and improves performance.  However as stress levels continue to rise,  mental and physical  illness may occur.
        What happens when the body is under stress? Let me share an example, which I would not wish on anyone.   You are walking alone in the evening on a not-so-busy street and someone comes up behind you and  sticks a gun in your back and says give me your wallet, immediately your adrenaline glands pump extra adrenaline into your blood stream, causing your heart to beat faster, your breathing to increase and this extra adrenaline will also block pain for a short period of time.   In this dangerous situation you become very nervous and full of extra energy to fight or run, which in this situation is good. 
      Is there a time when extra adrenaline is not a good thing? Yes,  Here is an example of this, you are a secretary who works for three bosses, answering phones, dealing with unhappy customers, etc. which put you under more than normal stress each day at work.  Because of this stress your adrenaline glands are pumping small amounts of adrenaline into your blood stream all day long, causing you to be nervous, possibly giving you a headache, etc.   After you leave your job that evening while your at home you still are nervous, once you’re in bed you cannot go to sleep until early in the morning because you still have this built up adrenaline still in your blood stream and it takes some time before it is eliminated.


        There are many things, so lets cover the simple ones first.  In the case of the person being robbed, they need to be more careful in the areas they are visiting in the evening and not be walking alone if possible.  For the secretary, she should start looking for a less stressful job. These are obvious simple solutions, but now lets look at some not so obvious simple things we can do to reduce our stress.    There are two simple ways to reduce  the adrenaline that is flowing through your blood stream.  The first one is to drink lots of water when your under stress, as water will enter the blood stream and dilute the adrenaline.  The second is to do some vigorous exercises, as exercise burns up the adrenaline in the blood stream.  So lets apply these simple steps to the secretary that was under more than normal stress.  During the day she needs to be drinking lots of water. And during her break or lunch hour instead sitting down in the break room and having a cup of coffee, (which will increase her adrenaline output).  She should get some exercise by  going outside for a walk in the fresh air and sunshine.  When she arrives home that evening, instead of sitting  (which she has been doing all day long at the office), she should get some fiscal exercise and continue drinking plenty of water.  If she does this she will fall a sleep earlier, because she has eliminated most of the excessive adrenaline in her blood stream.


         I have already mentioned coffee, but caffeine, as found in coffee, tea, colas, chocolate and other beverages increases adrenaline output.  A study from Duke University revealed that as little as two cups of coffee increased adrenaline levels by 160%.   Smoking also triggers the release of stress hormones in the body. Some other foods that can affect stress and cause nervousness are artificial sweeteners and artificial food colors found in different foods, also MSG which is found in many foods.  All foods high in refined sugars such as sodas, candy, etc.  Alcohol and some prescribed drugs can also increase your adrenaline output.
       As you noticed none of these foods listed here are natural wholesome foods that one needs to be eating not only to reduce stress, but also to stay healthy.           


     People today are programed to be negative.  Our news media, the newspaper, television, and radio are slanted to cover the unpleasant, the ugly, the tragic, and this promotes feelings of suspicion, envy, unhappiness,  etc. and causes much stress in our lives.  The condition of the mind affects the health to a far greater degree than many realize. We need to be  more positive, to look to the bright side.  Humor is a powerful ally for relaxation.  A good laugh triggers the release of endorphins that produce feelings of euphoria.  It also suppresses the production of cortisol a hormone released when you are under stress.  Crying can also serve to release tensions and stress.  

If you find yourself in a stressful situation another simple technique to immediately help reduce that stress is to start doing a slow regular deep breathing exercise.  Breath in slowly and evenly, taking the same time to inhale as you do to exhale, trying to make the two parts equal.

                      HERBS TO HELP REDUCE STRESS
      Two herbs which I recommend for stress are catnip and hops.  Both herbs are mild tranquilizers and sedatives.  Use two teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water.  Steep 20 minutes or longer.  Do not boil either herb, especially catnip as boiling dissipates its healing oil.  You should start to experience a soothing, relaxing calm within 3o minutes after ingesting the herb.  Note: Tintures
and capsuals are not as effective.


       I hope each of you will use these natural simple techniques next time to help you deal with the stress in your life.   The most important one though  I have saved till last and that is a trust in the Divine Being, the one who created you and I.   This trust will give you the real peace of mind  we all need in this stressful world today.


Dr. Hoover N.D. is retired and lives in Granada, Nicaragua.  Even though retired he keeps busy helping thousands each month through his web site  A Natural Cure for Cancer :: Cancer Natural Cure – Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover where you can down load his free book NATURAL MEDICINE  It has 47 chapters on just about every subject High blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, aids, osteoporosis, obesity, etc. etc.