Best Places to Visit in Central America: Why Now Is the Time To Go by Wes Ellery.

Map of Central America

In this post, I want to share this article about the importance of visiting Central America, a place full of magic, and many incredible places to see from Guatemala, the palpable indigenous heritage, Belize and its beautiful beaches with crystal clear water, El Salvador with the oldest capital city from Central America, Honduras and its wonderful Catracha food, Nicaragua, land of lakes and volcanoes, Costa Rica has about 5% of the world’s biodiversity and is a completely sustainable country.
Do not miss the opportunity if you are thinking of travelling to Central America this is your sign.

“Central America is famous for its lakes, volcanoes, and natural beauty. It’s hardly surprising then that the best places to visit in Central America are focused on the outdoors”.

Wes Ellery*ZnhSa2hHRGNSRHpfQUlQa1VTM1BtanVsbURaTlJEVndiN1dka2Z2QURCWnlyTk9PTmt6T0luUzg4aS1MZjJOcg..