Hospital Militar In Managua, Nicaragua


This is a write-up from the Granada Expat page of where an expats recounts a visit to Hospital Militar In Managua, Nicaragua. The writer allowed us to repost their comments, we also added information on the Hospital.

So I thought I’d write about a recent experience of not having medical insurance and if you are youngish like this person and think it will never happen to you then maybe take heed of this.

I am from the U.K. so paying for healthcare outright was an eye opener and standard of healthcare in the town hospitals is a big eye opener. (Cats and dogs in the initial ICU and lack of diagnostic equipment, but the doctors were very caring and professional.)

Hospital Militar Managua Nicaragua

So moved to Military hospital in Managua (you need to put down a $2k deposit and maintain that during the time in the hospital). Taken in an ambulance with 2 doctors on a ventilator, 6 days in ICU on a ventilator, and 6 days in a private room (tv with cable, fridge, lazy boy and spare bed for your carer or companion.) with CAT scan, EEG, MRI, numerous X-rays, all the drugs and excellent care (U.K. or better standard) will come to the total of $12,500 in this hospital. (I know before you say it… yes it’s a good job this didn’t happen in the states)

They gave excellent care and diagnostics throughout this time there.

The Military Hospital offer insurance for $90 a month or $120 for spouses/ children. This covers you for 5 days all inclusive treatment and then it goes into a discount scheme like Pellas from my understanding. (The expensive part in ICU would have effectively been covered by this.)

operating room at hospital militar managua

Or another option is Cigna healthcare which I have that is £111 a month or $150 for just U.K. and Nicaragua and then other packages for worldwide from $170 depending on what you want to cover. This is an expat based healthcare and it covers all treatments up to a specific value.

Anyhow this is what I thought I’d tell you about, the moral of the story is you never know what is around the next corner, good job this happened here rather than elsewhere and to get health care insurance!!

Address: Rotonda el Guegüense 400 m. al Este & 300 m. al Sur. Managua, Nicaragua.

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