The Lily Project

Thank you for your notes of concern about Lily’s team and the people of Nicaragua as we deal with the aftermath of two destructive hurricanes. Lily’s team is safe but there is a great deal of devastation in many communities.  We will be doing all we can to help. 

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of The Lily Project’s virtual health program. The first of its kind in Nicaragua, it creates access to essential women’s health information and care. A perfect complement to Lily’s in-person mobile clinic.  This summer The Lily Project initiated a pilot program integrating digital health education with telehealth servicesto prevent disease and promote emotional and mental wellbeing for women in Nicaragua. The pilot test proved:
✔  Women in rural communities own and use phones/smartphones regularly.
✔  Women will use technology to learn about their bodies and health.
✔  We can develop content that is easily understood by a largely illiterate audience.
✔  Lily is trusted to protect their privacy and deliver quality care.
Engagement was phenomenal! Lily clients (with permission) received 122 posts and/or videos via WhatsApp – resulting in 4883 contacts with an average engagement rate of 58%, even reaching 70% for emotional health focused topics. Clients not on WhatsApp received phone messages and texts. Our test to see if we could become a ‘hotline’ for women in crisis also proved out: arranging for immediate medical care for a client experiencing a miscarriage; and counseling support for a young woman suffering the trauma of sexual assault.

In 2021, we expect the virtual health program to: 
– Improve Lily’s core efforts to deliver a continuum of care for cervical cancer prevention and increase women’s sexual and reproductive health literacy.
– Expand Lily’s services to address additional needs such as counseling for sexual abuse and gender-based violence.
– Reach more women within and beyond the geographic regions currently served by Lily’s mobile health clinics. 

We hope you agree that this program has immense potential! Here are a few ways you can help get it off the ground:1. Do you know a digital health or telehealth expert? Someone in your network who would be interested in volunteering with Lily? Let’s connect.
2. Our goal is to raise an incremental $35,000 for two mental health counselors + related technology before the end of the year. A gift of any amount is greatly appreciated.
3. Check out our strategy on our new website – let us know what you think.

Thank you so much for supporting Lily! None of this is possible without you. 

Please stay healthy,
Anielka, Jonathan, Susan and the entire Lily team

Friends of Lily are the Best!$30 provides a liter of disinfectant 
501(c)3 | Tax ID: 47-4625010 | Certified Nicaragua NGO  
New Address: 40 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 232 Chicago, IL 60611
