Spanish Lesson 4

by George Wu
Online Spanish Course for Expats
Placement is the biggest problem when it comes to adjectives. Normally, Spanish use their adjectives AFTER the noun as follows:
el edificio públic meaning the public building
los edificios públicos meaning the public buildings
However, when it comes to human quality adjectives their adjectives come before the noun as follows:
la bella candidata meaning the  beautiful candidate
la peligrosa marcha meaning the dangerous march
una feroz batatalla meaning a ferocious battle
As you can see, emphasis is placed in speaking terms because their emotions flare up.
Now the numbers, first cardinal, and later, cardinal as follows:
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
6. seis
7. siete
8. ocho
9. nueve
10. diez
11, once
12. doce
13  trece
14. catorce
15. quince
16. dieciseis
17, diecisiete
18. dieciocho
19. diecinueve
20, veinte
from 21 to 29, all you need to do is to say veintiuno and so on until you reach 30 where the rule changes to treinta y uno all the way to 99. One hundred is cien or ciento if a number is added
such as ciento uno and so on. Then you say doscientos until you reach nuevecientos to mil or a thousand. A million is un millón. A billion is un billlón.
cien casas meaning one hundred houses
mil personas meaning one thousand persons
un millón de personas meaning one million persons
1939 is mil nuevecientos treinta y nueve
28 de enero de 2014 meaning January 28, 2014.
Ordinal numbers from first to tenth are as follows
Demonstrative adjectives are as follows:
este for this, esta for this in feminine gender, estos for these, and estas for these in feminine.
How much is cuanto (in cordovas) and cuantos in quantity (say bananas).
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