By Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D.

The human heart is red brown in color and weighs approximately 12 ounces. It is about six inches long, and its widest point is four inches across. It is more pear shaped than valentine Can a person strain his heart by overwork? No, it is almost impossible to strain the healthy human heart by overwork. The heart is far more likely to be damaged by disease and by poor habits of living than by any physical activity. But once the heart has been damaged by disease, it may be necessary to avoid too much activity. A heart that has been damaged can be strained beyond its limits.  As long as you are alive, your heart never stops working it rests between beats. The average individual has 5 1/2 quarts of blood and the normal heart at a normal rate will pump and recycle thousands of gallons of blood every day


      Blood pressure (BP) is the force the circulating blood exerts on the arterial walls. Blood pressure is categorized as systolic or diastolic blood pressure. They are expressed as: 120 Systolic pressure, 80 Diastolic pressure.  The systolic pressure is the pressure the blood has against the wall of the blood vessel while the heart is pumping or pushing the blood. It is the maximum pressure the blood has on the arterial wall at any one time. The diastolic pressure is the pressure the blood has against the walls of the blood vessel while the heart is resting. It is the constant pressure on the artery, or the lowest pressure on the artery.   The World Health Organization recommends that your blood pressure stay below 140/90.  The average blood pressure is 120/80, since this is the average there are many whose blood pressure is lower than this.


      High blood pressure is largely self-induced by the way we live. I believe there are four major factors which cause high blood pressure. They are lack of water, poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress and I will be covering these four below.

     Most conventional Doctors when they diagnose their patient as having high blood pressure, they simply put them on a medication to lower their blood pressure without looking at what caused it in the first place.  This is not the way to help the patient, because high blood pressure medications such as tenormin is a drug that is given to lower blood pressure, but the side effects listed in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) for this drug are many. These are the possible side effects listed for Tenormin in the PDR: heart attack, kidney and liver disease, electrolyte disturbances, can cause cancer, impairment of fertility, cold extremities, leg pain, dizziness, fatigue, depression, diarrhea, nausea, wheezing, etc. If you are taking a drug to lower your blood pressure, I would encourage you to look up the side effects on the inter-net. they will be similar to the ones above.


      A large scale government funded Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT), which was a study costing more than 150 million dollars, found that the coronary mortality was 70% higher in a group of hypertensive patients that received aggressive treatment when compared to a control group who received no treatment.  

How To Control High Blood Pressure Naturally

     Here again are the four major causes of high blood pressure they are lack of water, poor diet, lack of exercise and stress, treat the causes and your blood pressure will return to normal

LACK OF WATER              Our blood is over 78% water and when we do not drink enough water, our blood becomes thicker.  And since the heart is a pump that circulates the blood through out the body, when it has to circulate thicker blood this is going to raise your blood pressure.  Many Doctors advocate taking an aspirin every day to thin the blood, but aspirin have many side effects, where as water has none.  I have been able to lower my patient’s blood pressure by simply getting them to drink enough water.  How much water does one need to drink?  It depends upon their weight, you take their weight in pounds divide it in half and that is how many ounces of water one needs in a 24 hour period.  For example, a person who weighs 180 pounds divided by two is 90, which means they need 90 ounces of water, which would be approx.. eleven  eight ounce glasses of water.  This is the minimum, they would need more if working out, sweating excessively, etc.  Drinking water has no side effects!

A NATURAL DIET        Our diet is a major factor in causing high blood pressure and many other disease.   Overeating, which causes obesity, will overburden all organs in the body including the heart which can raise one’s blood pressure. Every pound of excess fat contains approximately 200 miles of capillaries through which the heart has to push blood. If you are obese, you have a three times greater chance of having heart disease.  I also want to mention that smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, tea, or any caffeinated beverage, can raise your blood pressure.  A high fat diet such as eating a steak which is 65=85% fat or cheese which is 85% fat and eating lots of fried foods will also cause high blood pressure. The average American diet consists of 40% fat. According to many professionals in the natural health field, the ideal diet will consist of 10% fat, 10% protein, and 80% carbohydrate.  One needs to be eating more fresh fruits and vegetables which are low in fat.  Many have been told to reduce their salt intake, to lower their blood pressure, but Fats contribute to high blood pressure in a far greater degree than the use of salt.  The more natural foods one eats without all the chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors,  hormones, antibiotics, etc., the better their health will be.

LACK OF EXERCISE        Movement is life. inactivity is death. We live in a society now where machines do most of the work where we get very little exercise which is sending us to the grave years before our time. Exercise will improve the tone of your muscles  and blood vessels, changing them from weak tissue to strong tissue. Exercise will increase the efficiency of your heart in several ways. It will grow stronger and pump more blood with each stroke and it will lower your pulse rate and help lower high blood pressure. Walking outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine is the simplest and best exercise one can do. Low impact exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming or hiking are more beneficial than high impact exercises such as jogging, basket ball, weight lifting, etc.

STRESS              Stress is almost inescapable in modern society and some individuals are able to deal with it better than others.  When confronted with a highly stressful condition, the mind and body function together. Scientists know that a certain cluster of nerves in the base of the brain regulates changes in heart rate, blood pressure and rate of respiration during a stressful situation. The large amounts of Adrenalin that pours into the blood stream during fight-or-flight causes the cells of the heart muscle to burn oxygen at a very high rate, thus raising blood pressure, pulse, etc. Recent studies have strengthened the statistical link between stress and heart disease.  In a study of 150 middle-aged men, Swedish scientists found that those who experienced a high degree of psychological stress were six times more likely to develop coronary heart disease within five years than those who reported relatively little stress. Many times we bring about stressful problems by not thinking and planning ahead or making wrong choices.   Here are two simple things to do when you are in a stressful situation, immediately drink water and do some type of exercise. 

When one is under stress your body produces Adrenalin to fight or flight and the only way to reduce the Adrenalin in your blood stream is to drink water which dilutes the Adrenalin  and exercise uses up the Adrenalin.   The God above is the greatest stress reliever of all, when you are at piece with God you are at piece with everyone, and everything, give your problems for He knows how best to take care of them.

ONE FOOD THAT WILL LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE NATURALLY       Raw Garlic has been proven scientifically to lower blood pressure and it has no harmful side effects, except the smell, that all the medications have.  An easy way to get the garlic  down is to put two or three cloves in a blender with half cup of water, or orange,juice, lemon juice, etc blend then drink with your meal and not on an empty stomach.  If you take it at night with your evening meal the garlic odor will not be so strong in the morning.  Remember the garlic has to be raw and not cooked.


      I have helped hundreds of individuals lower their blood pressure on these simple things mentioned above. If you have high blood pressure and are on medications the Doctor expects you to take them for life because his medications are treating the symptom of high blood pressure.  The answer is not to treat the symptom but to treat the cause which, are listed in this article.  Most conventional Doctors are not aware of the causes since they have little or no training in nutrition or natural ways of healing.  With this information I have given you, if you faithfully follow it your blood pressure will be normal within a week or less without medications.  I challenge you to try these simple life changes and let me know how great you.  

About the Author

      Dr.  Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. is retired and lives in Granada Nicaragua.  Is the author of three books, NATURAL MEDICINE which has 47 chapters on just about every topic, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, etc. His book is also in Spanish and can be down loaded free from his web site,


NOTE :  I will not be writing another article until the month of November as my wife and I are going on vacation for three months to the U.S.  We will be driving approx 8,000 miles visiting family and friends, traveling from Florida to the state of Washington and back to Florida.

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