Walking Barefoot Can Improve Your Health

By Dr. Jerry Lee Hoover N.D.

     This article will be one on a natural way to health that most people are not aware of.  It is called grounding, or earthing, which is new to medical science and doctors. So when was the last time you walked barefoot in the sand or grass?  In this article you will be surprised how beneficial this is for your health.  Our whole body runs on electricity, electric impulses flow through our nerves, cells and muscles, basically every cell and system in the human body carries a charge. This energy helps our bodies to move and function.

      So grounding or earthing is the practice of literally grounding out your body to the electrical field of the earth. It is based on physics, physiology and biology, everything including humans are made up of atoms and these microscopic particles contain equal numbers of negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons, which come in pairs. making an atom neutral, unless it loses an electron, then it becomes a free radical with a positive charge and capable of damaging your cells, contributing to chronic inflammation and other diseases. The earth’s surface has a negative charge and is constantly generating electrons that neutralize free radicals, acting as antioxidants.  Many types of food also contain antioxidants but the earth’s surface possesses a limitless supply of these free electrons.   So we need to take advantage of all these free electrons if we want to stay healthy.

     Your body is able to absorb these free electrons from the earth since your skin acts like a conductor when it touches the earth, causing the free flow of electrons from the earth to enter the body neutralizing free radicals, bringing the body back into a natural electrical balance, since our modern lifestyle has thrown our bodies out of balance.

       Some different ways to ground are walking barefoot on the grass or soil as there are certain points in your feet that are especially good at conducting electricity from the earth. Hugging a tree or swimming in the ocean or a natural body of water are other ways of grounding. One cannot be grounded walking on asphalt highways as the asphalt does not conduct electricity, but unsealed concrete and rocks conduct electricity.  Most shoes have a rubber sole which stops the electrical flow from the earth to the body, but shoes with a 100% leather sole does not block the electrical flow. Today in our modern society where most people live in the cities, with their lifestyle far different from how our forefathers lived in the past, where they had greater contact with the earth, which enabled them to absorb into their bodies all those electrons, which are part of the Earth’s natural healing energy. 

     There are many health benefits from earthing or grounding. It reduces inflammation in the joints and tissues which are a major source of pain it also reduces symptoms of fatigue and other diseases.  It improves the body’s immune system, which keeps one from coming down with many different diseases.  It improves circulation increasing energy levels and reduces swelling.  It helps reduce stress hormones, causing one to feel calmer and also to be able to sleep better.

      How often should one walk barefoot outside?  There is no right answer, depending upon the shortage of electrons in a person’s body which can vary drastically.  But a general rule is a minimum of 15 minutes every day.

Author’s Note:   There is an option to walking outside barefoot as you can buy different types of grounding mats to use in your house as they are connected to the electrical ground circuit in your house and when you stand on them you are grounded but I do not recommend them, as some individuals have had health problems after using them, but when those same individuals do grounding by walking outside barefoot they have no health problems.  We cannot improve upon God’s natural ways of healing which always work.


      Earthing or grounding is so simple, anyone can do it.  If you’re not feeling well, just put your bare feet on the grass or ground for a half hour and see what happens, you will be surprised how much better you will feel.  It works for I have been doing this for years now.  I do my exercises each morning outside bare foot 5 days a week and I believe it is one of the reasons I am as healthy as I am.  If you want to learn more about earthing or grounding just google it and you will be surprised how much information there is on it.  I have known about walking barefoot for over 20 years now and I even mention it in my book NATURAL MEDICINE which I wrote over 20 years ago.  Finally medical science and conventional doctors are catching up to what Naturopathic Doctors have known for years.

About the Author

      Dr.  Jerry Lee Hoover N.D. is retired and lives in Granada Nicaragua.  Is the author of three books, NATURAL MEDICINE which has 47 chapters on just about every topic, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, etc. His book is also in Spanish and can be down loaded free from his web site, (www.cancernaturalcure.com), His second book Natural Ways To Prevent Cancer was published 3 years ago and can be purchased through Amazon Kindle His latest book Radiation From Cell Phones, WiFi,  can also be purchased through Amazon Kindle.