Our New Home – Week 4

This week was a bit different though good progress was made.

As you can see from the photos, the first floor walls have reached their full 12 foot height so we can see all of the windows and doors. Now they dig out the floors to prepare for the concrete slabs to be poured. We can now also see where all electrical outlets, cable connections and Internet connections will be. Being on the top of the highest elevation makes the house appear to be larger than it is.

This week the builder gave us a spreadsheet showing the construction progress for each week and has informed us he is ahead of schedule due to the lack of rain. Plans call for the house to be completed the third week of September. This excites us but we will see how it goes. We have seen many homes built and the last 20% can really drag on and often takes 50% of the total time.

Tomorrow will be the day with the greatest potential of starting divorce procedures between Amy and me – we go with the builder to select lights, fans, tiles and other fixtures. I have prepared myself to lose many arguments but to stand strong on those items I deem important. It is a battle fought many times between husband and wife when building a new home. It is like playing poker with me bluffing her on several things I will appear to want but actually planning to give up in order to win on those items I hold dear. We will be like two generals on a field of battle and I am willing to give up France in order to save the rest of Europe.

On the developer side, the structure for the large water tank was completed and the pipes from the pump house to the tank have also been laid. Somehow he must now get the tank to the top of the structure, no small feat.  The pipes are also being put in from the tank to our lot. It will be 2-inch pipe then our builder will complete the connection to our home probably with 1-inch pipe.

Since we want this to be an honest history of the house being built, I will state we had a bit of an issue with the paperwork this week. We had purchased the 1.2 acre lot with the stipulation of the road being improved and access to electricity and water. We would pay 50% for the lot with the other 50% when all stipulations were met. All stipulations have been met so lot is paid in full. Unfortunately both the developer and I thought the purchase had been registered but we discovered the lawyer had just made a promissory note and nothing further was done. We are now rushing to get it registered. Hopefully no more issues.

Here is this week in pictures.

Week 4 (1)

Walls fully extended to 12 feet looking from the east side at the garage door. Look, real window openings!

Week 4 (2)

The new water tank ready to begin holding water once it climbs to the top of the tank structure.

Week 4 (3)

Amy ensuring the water is pure and has sufficient pressure.

Week 4 (4)

So far so good. Water looks good, tastes good and is coming out at a pressure of 35 gallons per minute.

Week 4 (9)

Kitchen area and Amy’s supreme domain. Like Dante’s Hell, perhaps this area should have a sign which states “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”. I’m only allowed in the kitchen when Amy is away and I need to prepare my meal. Even so, everything better still be in the same place as when she left.

Week 4 (10)

This is the living room area – cozy spot to watch TV or read a novel.

Week 4 (11)

Front porch which will be under roof facing Mombacho.